White Woman Alleged Imposter Involved In Fake Accidents With Maasai Cows Arrested

The suspect behind the fake white woman's identity, Bob Nyongesa faces one count of obtaining money by false pretense contrary to Section 313 of the Penal Code of the Constitution of Kenya.
  Staff Writer /  Crime /  Aug 05, 2022  / updated  Aug 23, 2023
White Woman Alleged Imposter Involved In Fake Accidents With Maasai Cows Arrested
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Alleged "white woman" impersonator arrested

A conman who circulates online marketplaces impersonating a white woman interested in buying a car only to swindle sellers by faking an accident with Maasai cows has been arrested.

The man using the “Ryan Britney” pseudonym claims to be traveling from Narok to view the car in Nairobi but accidentally ran over Maasai cows. He proceeds to send pictures of Maasai cows lying on the road.

“Amidst sobs, She informed me that she hit and killed two cows belonging to a Masai headsman,” One netizen narrated how he was conned. “She alerted me how they are planning to burn her car and already they have snatched the car keys from her and she is unaware of what they are discussing about her in Swahili.”

The imposter claims that the Maasais herdsmen were planning to attack her and she needed to pay them urgently so she could resume the journey.

She promises to refund the money with interest once she reaches Nairobi. However, after receiving the money, he blocks the victims and moves on to the next.

It alleged that the suspect worked in cahoots with other accomplices to stage the scene to convince the victim to intervene.

“On the background, I could hear the Masai threatening to burn the car. She requested me to remove her from that mess by speaking to the owner of the dead cows and promise him that all shall be well.”

Others responded how they too were targeted by probably the same suspect or others using similar tactics.

“This happened to me exactly the way you've put it only that I didn't send any money coz I've been conned before and so once beaten twice shy, pole sana.”

According to netizens online, the scam has been taking place at least since 2018.

Identity of alleged impersonator exposed.

The identity of the man who allegedly impersonates a white woman involved in an accident with Maasai cows has been exposed.

The DCI arrested the 33-year-old Bob Ngome Nyongesa, who allegedly impersonated a white woman involved in an accident with Maasai cows.

According to the DCI, Nyongesa had served prison sentences at Kamiti and Kodiaga prisons for various offenses related to fraud, where he perfected his conning skills.

In one incident, Nyongesa allegedly defrauded Ali, the seller of a Mercedes Benz worth Ksh 1.4 million or Ksh 150,000 using the same script.  

DC sleuths from Langata assisted by detectives from the Nairobi regional command, arrested Nyongesa in Ongata Rongai. 

They recovered several sim cards, mobile phones, debit cards, bank statements, a checkbook, and a laptop.

Nyongesa faces one count of obtaining money by false pretense contrary to Section 313 of the Penal Code of the Constitution of Kenya.  He is currently held at Langata police station, awaiting arraignment in court.

DCIFraudWhite woman imposterMaasai cows accident