Who Is Andrew Kibe? Biography, Age, Education, Tribe, Net Worth, Relationship Status

Born on July 1, 1976, Andrew Kibe is a Kenyan media personality, online content creator, talk show host, self-proclaimed "boychild" advocate, and even a former “pastor.”

  Staff Writer /  Biographies /  Jan 21, 2023  / updated  Nov 01, 2023
Who Is Andrew Kibe? Biography, Age, Education, Tribe, Net Worth, Relationship Status
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Who is Andrew Kibe?

Kibe’s tribe is Kikuyu, the largest community in Kenya that occupies the Central Province. Unlike most media personalities, he isn’t ashamed of speaking in vernacular, even in his mainstream vlogs recorded in the United States.

Kibe worked on several mainstream media stations before resigning or allegedly being fired over his conduct in and out of work. 

Since then, he has rebranded himself as a life coach who educates Kenyans on various issues such as relationships, education and careers, politics, and religion. 

Kibe also presents himself as a boychild advocate by educating men on embracing masculinity.

Kibe's education and career

Andrew Kibe attended the prestigious Nairobi Milimani School in the country's capital. 

However, Kibe prides himself in not attending any university, which he says turns graduates into zombies, and makes them poor and unable to think.

The controversial vlogger started his media career at NRG radio as a co-host of renowned radio presenter Kamene Goro of the NRG Breakfast morning talk show. 

His strong anti-feminism opinions made him popular with the NRG’s predominantly male audience propelling him to national fame.

The duo was later poached by Kenya's ultimate entertainment radio station, KISS FM, where their popularity thrived. 

However, Kibe was fired less than a year later for allegedly failing to observe work ethics and bad publicity outside work, although he claims he resigned from the job.

The anti-feminist vlogger was once captured in a viral video arguing with three police officers who wanted to unprocedurally arrest him, with one officer raising his baton to assault him. 

His critics said such incidents cast him and his employer in a bad light, justifying the decision to let him go.

Similarly, Kibe’s former employer, NRG media, contested the duo’s move to join a rival radio station after spending enormous amounts on publicity materials. 

NRG radio took Kibe and Goro to Labor Relations Court claiming that they had breached the non-compete clause by joining a rival station directly after leaving.

Additionally, the media argued that they should have given a month's notice to allow the station to find replacements. 

Nevertheless, it's unlikely that Kibe's exit was related to the labor dispute since Goro retained her position at KISS FM and hired Jalang'o to replace Kibe .

Kibe also attempted to join politics as the Member of Parliament of Langata Constituency in 2012 but lost by a considerable margin.

Kibe’s net worth and salary.

Despite his huge salary at KISS FM, Kibe became a pauper within weeks after his resignation/firing. 

According to the vlogger, his exit from KISS FM caused him untold misery leading him to become homeless and lose his car.

"I was homeless. I thought I would make it the next day after quitting my job, but no. That journey is long. 2020 messed up with me big time but rewarded me at the same time. I am proud of my Rogue Radio project. With this radio, I am going somewhere." Kibe disclosed.

However, Kibe’s finances were in question even before his 2020 exit from KISS FM. In 2019, he was arrested for defaulting on a Ksh215,000 loan from a friend in 2012. 

Nevertheless, Kibe bounced back from the job loss and started Rogue Radio before becoming a household name on online streaming platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and Twitter.

His net worth is estimated to be a few thousands to KSh10 million ($100,000) from his social media earnings. 

However, various celebrities have disclosed that Kibe was desperate and needed financial assistance, even just to rent his own apartment and gain independence.

Andrew Kibe as a pastor.

Kibe was once an active member of the church, something Kenyans have interpreted as “being a pastor.” Pictures of him at the pulpit and with hands raised in the air praying have cemented this perception. 

However, Kibe says he could never lie enough to become a pastor and chose to follow reality instead.

The former believer says he also stopped attending church after realizing that most pastors are fake. 

According to the vlogger, he was one of the naïve guys stumped by fake pastors in highly choreographed charades. 

This led him to change churches hoping to become one of the glossolalias (people who speak in tongues), even wondering what his problem was.

"If you see people praying and speaking in tongues run away for your life," he said.

"If I can't allow you to speak to me in that manner, what about God?”

He advises people against attending churches that have long praise and worship sessions, performs “miracles,” or preach the bible.

Interestingly, Kibe was a friend of the celebrity pastor and motivational Robert Burale before falling out with Christianity.

Andrew Kibe's wife, relationship status, divorce.

Andrew Kibe's current relationship status is divorced and possibly dating.

Kenya's famous Kikuyu vernacular singer Samidoh claimed that Kibe was staying with a woman he described as a "sugar mommy" or cougar.

Samidoh responded to Kibe, who accused him of refusing to visit him during his US tour.

"So I was to leave my work coz a lad has invited me over to his cougar’s house?" Samidoh asked.

However, rumors of Kibe dating a cougar have been around for a while.

In 2021, Kenyan comedian Eric Omondi claimed that Kibe was dating a 57-year-old woman called Judy. 

“He’s in America and currently living with a woman called Judy. She’s 57 years old,” Omondi said.

Urging Kenyans to help Kibe because he was desperate, Omondi added that the relationship was based on convenience rather than love. 

"If he breaks up with that woman, Kibe will return to Kenya with nothing. We have people in America. I’ve also stayed in America. We can confirm that an old woman is hosting him.”

Nevertheless, speculations on Kibe's relationship status vary from believable to outrightly ridiculous. 

Some netizens have accused Kibe of dating/marrying a man to gain entry into the United States. Kibe has come out strongly against the LGBTQ community in Kenya, perhaps hoping to dispute this narrative.

Nevertheless, none of these accusations have been verified, and Kibe has vehemently denied them.

Andrew Kibe's wife and divorce.

Kibe disclosed that he was once married to an ideal woman at a church wedding and had a child with her. 

Kibe met his ex-wife at church, where she served as a choir member while working as a casino employee. 

However, he was reluctant to marry her, but his colleagues reportedly convinced him she was the one for him. 

The former KISS FM presenter described the ex-wife as a perfect woman while dating, but his perception of her plummeted after the wedding, leading to separation.

Kibe also accused another woman of keeping his child away from him for nearly 12 years after he married another woman.

According to Kibe, his wife concealed her real self and only revealed her true colors after the wedding. Kibe now advises his male audience on the type of women to avoid.

Many Kenyans attribute Kibe's negative perception of women to his bitter divorce.

Family estrangement

The outspoken Kenyan vlogger is estranged from his family, especially his sister, over property disputes.

Kibe said he did not shed tears when his sister died in 2012 as they were not on speaking terms. According to him, people should be allowed to grieve as they wish.

Kibe was reportedly estranged from his mother for attempting to stop his wedding despite not having talked for some time.

On January 03, 2022, the controversial tweep tweeted, “Have you forgiven your momma?” 

Some Kenyans interpreted his remarks as referring to the dispute with his biological mother or his ex-wife. 

Andrew Kibe News

Andrew Kibe making news from losing his YouTube channel to winning the Social Media Africa Star Award.

Kibe Wins the 2023 Social Media African Star Award

Kenyan US-based content creator Andrew Kibe has won the Social Media African Star of the Year, beating other contestants such as Shank Comics, Nicolette Mashile, and William Last.

Kibe’s victory came a few weeks after he lost his YouTube channel for violating the platform’s community standards.

“In all those years of producing content my first ever nomination and it had to come from outside Kenya,” Kibe lamented, with some Kenyans comparing him to a prophet who is never accepted at home.

Accepting the award from Tom Mboya, Kibe said the  Social Media African Star title had a “good ring to it.”

Kibe received 21,640 votes, representing 79.76% of all the ballots cast online, followed by Shank Comics, who received 5,314 votes, representing 19.59% of the votes cast on StrawPoll. 

Nicolette Mashile, Marvin Achi, and William Last collectively received less than 1% of the votes cast during the Social Media African Star Award competition.

“Good job to you and your time for making the stream work under all that pressure. To bigger n better! Yafreeka to the World,” Kibe said, responding to his victory.

Andrew Kibe