Diani Beach: What You Didn't Know About the White Sandy Beach in Kenya

Diani Beach is located 1 hour from Kenya's coastal city of Mombasa, the second biggest urban center in the country.

It is an affordable, safe, and attractive destination for tourists wishing to enjoy their holiday. Known for its white sand and lush vegetation, Diani has become a popular destination for tourists.

  Staff Writer /  Nature /  Aug 23, 2023  / updated  Oct 27, 2023
Diani Beach: What You Didn't Know About the White Sandy Beach in Kenya
Table of contents

Is Diani Beach public?

Diani Beach is a public beach that is accessible to everybody. However, unlike other public beaches in Kenya and worldwide, Diani is hardly crowded with tourists or locals.  

Diani Beach remains uncrowded because of the perception that it is private property. The proximity of many privately-owned hotels has upheld this perception. Certainly, Diani is the crowned jewel that most tourists have not discovered. 

Despite the wrong perception, the proximity of Diani Beach to private hotels adds to the lure. You can easily enjoy the beach and check into one of the neighboring world-class hotels.

What is Diani beach known for?

Diani Beach is known for its sparkling white sands and lush vegetation nearby, creating a perfectly unique experience for holidaymakers. It's one of the best beaches in Kenya, Africa, and the world. If natural beaches are one of your interests, you should definitely try Diani beach.

How much does it cost to visit Diani Beach?

Suppose you are arriving from Nairobi, the capital of Kenya; bus and train services charge about $15 or Ksh1500. If arriving from Eldoret or Kisumu, you can take a flight that costs less than $50 to Nairobi.

However, a one-way plane ticket from Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (NBO or HKJK) in Nairobi to Moi International Airport in Mombasa costs about $80 or ksh 9000.

How available is Accommodation in Diani?

Tourism is big business in Mombasa, where Diani is located. Tourists have the option of staying at luxurious 5-star hotels or budget hotels. 

Additionally, many residents of Mombasa and surrounding areas independently rent their houses or rooms at affordable prices. Similarly, the Airbnb service allows tourists to book accommodation before arriving in Mombasa. 

Many coastal residents operate a mixed-mode business. They rent their property either through Airbnb or independently. The advantage of independently renting is that prices are not fixed, and you can bargain for a good deal, especially if you stay longer.

However, it's advisable to book on arrival to receive discounts and ensure that the condition of the rooms is satisfactory. Additionally, it’s advisable to physically inspect the house before committing. I understand that physically checking places feels like a tedious or dangerous task. 

However, it's straightforward because many Airbnb operators are located nearby and will drive you to their property. There are many brokers, and they maintain a list of houses that you definitely miss one that will impress you.

Additionally, prices are very affordable. You can get a studio apartment for $15 per night, a one-bedroom house for about $50, and reputable hotels charge about $100 per night.

For people staying longer in Mombasa, booking independently could substantially reduce your accommodation costs and allow you to stay longer in Mombasa.

Can I contract malaria in Diani?

Mombasa and the whole coastal region of Kenya is a malaria hotspot. The warm and humid climate creates the perfect habitat for breeding mosquitos. 

Sadly, most tourists from cooler climates find mosquitos a nuisance, apart from contracting malaria.

Additionally, many are very susceptible to mosquito bites. Fortunately, the tourism industry understands how much of a nuisance the mosquito menace is.

How to protect from malaria while visiting Diani?

Many restaurants have invested heavily in mosquito repellents such as sleeping nets and other non-invasive anti-mosquito technologies. You're unlikely to miss a mosquito net in any hotel room, Airbnb, or residential accommodation. 

Similarly, tourists are advised to receive anti-malaria vaccines or pills they can take during the visit. Your doctor could recommend the best solutions based on your age and health.

Additionally, purchasing mosquito repellents, such as creams, electric repellents, etc., would keep the nasty bugs away. Similarly, wearing long-sleeved clothes, long pants, headgear, and hats, especially for bald people, would protect you from mosquito bites. 

Proper scheduling of visits is also important to avoid being outside at night, considering mosquitoes are active in the dark.

Can I wear a miniskirt or bikini in Kenya while visiting Diani Beach, or do I need a Burqa?

Kenya is a very liberal country compared to many African countries. Thus, the country does not have a dress code, although being nude in public is frowned upon and is illegal based on various statutes. 

You can wear a miniskirt in public and also bikinis at the beaches. Wearing miniskirts is also common, and many Kenyan women also wear them. 

However, being a public beach, Diani Beach is not a nude beach and is considered a family-friendly venue. 

Similarly, although Bikinis are allowed on all beaches in Kenya, you should avoid wearing them outside the beach. It's always advisable to dress in normal clothes while leaving the beach. 

Additionally, avoid wearing extremely revealing clothes because they could attract negative attention. Considering that Mombasa is a historical Muslim City, it could also make you uncomfortable and make you feel out of place. 

However, unless you’re nude or enter a mosque without the appropriate Islamic dress code, you won’t get into problems by wearing short clothes or a bikini

Are there sharks and crocodiles on Diani Beach?

Horrifying pictures of swimmers torn apart by sharks are a constant dread for many tourists. However, there are neither sharks nor crocodiles in Diani. This makes the beach a perfect place for divers and snorkeling.  

Places to visit while in Diani Beach

Apart from Diani, there are many tourist attractions in Mombasa. Visiting Diani could give you the impetus to visit them as well. Some of the notable tourist attractions include:

Mamba Village is the biggest crocodile in East Africa. Crocodiles are a huge deal, especially in Africa, where they kill more people than other animals except hippos. Visiting Mamba Village will bring you eye-to-eye with these beauties or monsters.  

Fort Jesus was a fortress built by the Portuguese between 1593 and 1596 to protect themselves from the Arab invasion. It features the designs of Giovanni Battista Cairati. It is one of the World Heritage Sites.  

Mombasa Old Town goes alongside Fort Jesus. It is an ancient city surrounding the fort Jesus.  Its history derives from Portuguese attempts to control  Indian Ocean trade routes from Arabs, Persians, Africans, and other invaders.

Jumba la Mtwana (House of the Slave) is the holding cell for slaves before they were shipped abroad. Visiting this place will change your perspective on life and help you understand "what a man can do to another man"* in the absence of humanity. 

You can check out places to visit in Kenya.

Our take:

Diani is a safe, affordable, attractive, and peaceful destination for visitors who wish to make their visit worthwhile. Most people I have met have only good memories of visiting Diani Beach.

* Quote from Fury - 2014
