Police Arrest A Suspect Hiding A Handgun Inside A Miraa (Khat) Bundle As Marsabit Disarmament Operation Continues

Police arrested a suspect ferrying a handgun concealed in a Miraa (Khat) bundle as disarmament campaign continues in Marsabit
  Staff Writer /  Crime /  Aug 05, 2022  / updated  Aug 23, 2023
Police Arrest A Suspect Hiding A Handgun Inside A Miraa (Khat) Bundle As Marsabit Disarmament Operation Continues
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Police recover a concealed Ekol p29 pistol.

Police recovered an Ekol p29 pistol at a Merti roadblock from a suspect plying the Isiolo-Moyale Highway.

"A multi-agency security team manning a roadblock at Merti junction along the Isiolo-Moyale Highway has today arrested a suspect and recovered an Ekol P29 pistol during a routine check conducted on passengers plying the said route."

The 33-year-old Abdulahi Hussein Sharamo had wrapped the handgun in a bundle of Mirra (khat) rolled in a banana leaf.

However, a keen officer identified suspicious behavior from the suspect while conducting a routine security checkup. Upon closer look, the officers recovered the handgun from the Miraa bundle and two rounds of 9mm ammunition.

Additionally, the officer recovered two additional 9mm ammunition from his person, concealed in his pockets.

Sharamo was detained at Archer's Post Police Station in Samburu County, awaiting arraignment on illegally possessing firearms. Authorities were also investigating a possible link to other related criminal activities.

Peacekeeping efforts between fighting tribes in Marsabit.

Police are trying to enforce peaceful coexistence between communities in the greater Marsabit area. They urged residents to safely and anonymously report criminals living among them.

Marsabit has been a theater of violence between various heavily armed communities living in the area. 

The multi-agency security teams continue to engage communities on the security situation in the disturbed areas of Marsabit County and its environs to install sustainable peace and coexistence among communities.

However, some communities blame authorities for failing to respond decisively to insecurity incidents and targeting some tribes while failing to disarm others. 

Political leaders have also been blamed for arming militia to terrorize other communities to galvanize their political positions.

Most illegal firearms used in banditry are illegally owned and smuggled into the area from within Kenya and the country's northern neighbors, South Sudan, Ethiopia, and Somalia.

30-day curfew in the greater Marsabit region

The Kenya Police imposed a 30-day curfew in Marsabit on May 2, 2022, during the operation 'Rudisha Amani Marsabit' to disarm the warring communities.

“Effective from 6 pm on May 2, we have placed the whole of Marsabit county under curfew to be followed by an operation to rid of illegal guns causing havoc there. Leaders in the area are urged to cooperate,” Interior Ministry Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang'i said.

Matangi added that the ministry had mobilized enough human resources to complete the operation. 

Law enforcement agencies have recovered various weapons, including AK 47s, G3 rifles, general-purpose machine guns, 579 rounds, 66 spent cartridges, and gun oil, and detained at least eight suspects and/or terrorists. 

"We commend the members of the public for the support extended to security agencies as we strive to restore peace and normalcy in the area," the national police service (NPS) said.

Image sources: Kenya Modern Cops/Facebook, NPS.
