Kenya 2022 Elections Presidential Running Mates Debate

The running mates of various presidential contenders discuss various issues affecting the country and their principal's plan for the country.

UDA's Rigathi Gachagua overshadowed Martha Azimio's Karua earning the approval of 60-70 percent of viewers online, according to various online polls.

Similarly, Root's Party vice president nominee Justina Wamae showcased a stunning performance.

InfoTrak received backlash for deleting a Twitter poll with Gachagua leading.
  Staff Writer /  Politics /  Aug 05, 2022  / updated  Aug 04, 2023
Kenya 2022 Elections Presidential Running Mates Debate
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Rigathi Gachagua destroys Martha Karua in Running Mates Debate

The running mates' debate between Azimio's Martha Karua and Kenya Kwanza's Rigathi Gachagua was a major disappointment for most Kenyans who expected fireworks.

The organizers dealt on trivial questions and did not include questions from the audience.

However, Azimio's Martha Karua felt that major questions had been addressed, a stark contrast from Kenya Kwanza's Rigathi Gachagua who felt major debate issues such as the cost of living were ignored.

Nevertheless, the journalists questioned the running mates on their resiliency and ability to hold their positions. Gachagua capitalized on the opportunity to butcher Karua.

Gachagua explained how Karua abandoned Kibaki, the gentleman of politics, when navigating a difficult political moment with Karua's principal Raila Odinga.

"Martha Karua quit president Mwai Kibaki’s govt when he was in trouble and Raila Odinga was making life impossible for him… any leader who couldn’t work with Mwai Kibaki, I have serious doubt they can work with anyone else."

On corruption, Karua mentioned how Rigathi was mentioned in corruption cases.

However, Gachagua explained that be was blackmailed by powerful people in government to abandon Ruto and support the handshake or face the repercussions.

Additionally, Gachagua noted that Karua was mentioned in illegal land deals in the South Ngariama Land case.

"Martha's evasive on this debate including on south Ngariama land," Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru responded after the debate. "She knows we can provide evidence on her family benefitting on it while she was cabinet minister. That is why they will not allow us to complete titling the land."

The UDA running mate also mentioned how Uhuru Kenyatta has already allegedly begun assigning duties to her despite massive corruption in his government.

Gachagua also accused Uhuru of hiding Kenya's wealth left by Kibaki in offshore accounts.

Uhuru was mentioned in the Pandora Papers as one of the government officials allegedly with offshore accounts in tax havens. The president promised to address the issue but never gave a comprehensive report.

Additionally, Uhuru confirmed that he picked Karua as Raila's running mate to protect Mt. Kenya's interests. He also claimed his government was lenient on corruption, but Karua would jail the corrupt.

In response to counter-accusations on corruption, both candidates invoked the "innocence until proven guilty" clause and the inability of courts to decide cases on time.

However, Gachagua claimed that the judiciary was stifled during Uhuru's tenure, undermining its ability to decide on many cases in time.

On campaign financing, both candidates failed to explain how their parties managed to finance expensive campaigns. They both alleged that their campaigns were financed by their supporters.

"What…? So all along Ruto has HUSTLERS donating CHOPPERS!!!!!" Governor Ali Hassan Joho asked after the debate.

Disappointingly, the debate was organized on popularity and party ranking, thus denying running mates from less popular political parties an equal opportunity to address the issues.

"The organisers should have allowed all the four running mates on the same podium; The debate ought to have been moderated by competent journalists who would have interrogated the candidates on real issues," Dr. David Matsanga, Chair, Pan-African Forum, told TV47.

According to multiple independent polls, Kenya Kwanza's candidate Gachagua carried the day by 60-70 percent against Karua based on preliminary results.

A stunning performance by Justina Wamae of the Roots Party

Roots Party vice presidential nominee Justina Wamae showcased a stunning performance during the running mates debate.

Many people believed she deserved a place at the main debate featuring UDA's Rigathi Gachagua and Azimio's Martha Karua.

Moses Kuria Says Kenya Kwanza Will Not Participate in Presidential and Running Mates debate

Moses Kuria said his party will not participate in the planned presidential and running mates debates because of perceived media bias.

Zubeida Koome is at the heart of the controversy after pressing Nairobi gubernatorial candidate Johnson Sakaja on his name.

"The Zubeida Koome "Is your name Sakaja?" is a clear indicator of the media bias that kenya kwanza has been complaining about," Hon. Kuria said. "The Kenya Kwanza Alliance will not participate in both Running mate debate and the presidential debate and that's final"

Kenya Kwanza presidential candidate William Ruto had also warned about media coverage bias adding that there was no point in participating in a rigged debate.

William Ruto's coverage has seemingly improved after the complaint.

InfoTrak on spot after deleting a Twitter poll showing Rigathi Gachagua leading in the running mates' debate

InfoTrak was put in spot after deleting a Twitter poll showing Rigathi Gachagua leading in the running mates debate.

"That Infotrak deleted these results from their handle goes to confirm their fake and vague Infotrak polls. Why get embarrassed with reality that goes against what you have all along been parroting against Gachagua, others. You can’t cage the truth for too long,” the Secretary General of the Consumers Federation of Kenya (COFEK) Stephen Mutoro responded on Twitter.

Surprisingly, Gachagua performed better than expected after the media stereotyped him as a goofy fellow.

"Rigathi Gachagua took the day, he exceeded the expectation of people due to how he was described & profiled before going to the debate," Joshua Kiptoo, Nandi County Assembly Speaker said.
Running mate debateskenya 2022 Elections