Kenya Elections 2022 Results, News, Events, Timelines, and Aftermath

Kenya elections 2022 results news, events, and timelines and important happenings
  Staff Writer /  Politics /  Aug 05, 2022  / updated  Aug 04, 2023
Kenya Elections 2022 Results, News, Events, Timelines, and Aftermath
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Raila Warns IEBC over Manual Voters' Register

On July 06, 2022 , Azimio presidential candidate Raila Odinga warned that elections will not be held of manual register of voters will not be available during elections. Raila warned that power blackouts and system crashes could prevent people from voting.

"Manual register is a must at each and every polling station. It's not negotiable," Raila threatened.

However, according to a Kenya's Supreme Court ruling, the electronic voters' register is the default document for identifying voters. Additionally, the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has provided more than one electronic device with enough power and internet redudancy to ensure that elections would not be interrupted by power blackouts. Similarly, the manual voters' register is generated from the electronic voters' register.

Meanwhile, IEBC chairm Wafula Chebukati confirmed that a manual voter register will be available for backup.

TIFA Opinion Poll Puts Raila Odinga Ahead of William Ruto in Kenya's 2022 Elections

July 11, 2022 Nairobi: TIFA Opinion Poll published a new survey showing Azimio Raila Odinga Ahead of William Ruto. Additionally TIFA's opinion poll showed that there would be no direct winner in the Kenyas 2022 elections

“Raila has a slight lead of 3 per cent against Ruto,” Tifa Lead Researcher Tom Wolf stated.

According to the poll that had a +/- 2.34 margin of error, Raila would win by 42% ahead of Kenya Kwanza's William Ruto who would gather 39% of all votes.

The survey that was conducted between June 25 and June 30 interviewed 1,533 registered voters in Kenya.

Only 30 days remain before elections. The opinion poll was received with varied reactions by supporters of opposing sides with Kenya Kwanza dismissing the results.
KenyaElections 2022RailaOdingaRutoIEBCResults